Update Easter!

I know I haven't written in a while so of it has been because I've been ill, the other part is because I just haven't had the time to. This easter holidays has been packed full of so much stuff; my sister came back from uni for a week, and me her and our older sister all drove back up to uni, so we could all go and see Mcbusted as our early birthday presents. MCBUSTED WAS AMAZING!! I'm not even joking probably the best concert I've been to!! So far I've seen Justin Bieber (eww I was young), Bring Me The Horizon (hell yeah I crowd surfed to high five Oli Sykes), Foals (we were so close to the front, and the train ride home was hilarious), and now Mcbusted. The showman ship of Mcbusted was immense, about 30 mins-1 hour they travelled from the front of the arena to the back ending up in a delorean, so even though we were quite far back we were suddenly able to see EVERYTHING!! They then went back to the front of the stage and announced that the stag is actually a working video game, so they split in half and started playing street fighter on this giant machine!! They had bras thrown at them which they tried to figure out who it came from, by who had the jiggliest boobies!! They took someone's phone on stage and announced the persons phone password to everyone. All in all a great concert and a group of great people to share it with.

It's by birthday in 9 days yay! But in order for my sister to be here for my celebration I had it the week she was here. I had a group of friends over all of whom I have met through my boyfriend, I invited my friends but everyone already had previous engagements, I don't mind because even though we don't see each other on a regular basis, I know they're the group of people who will have my back if I need them. A lot of people think our relationship as friends isn't actually a friendship, but we have our own weird little group of friendship, we've had so many arguments between us, but we've always come through the other side with an even stronger bond. 

This is only a short entry as I'm starting to feel tired again :( But I thought I'd update you guys any of you that read this that haha. I'd love to hear some feedback from any of you, your experiences and just any general questions, I'm open to anything. I have a twitter account for my blog it's @lumpylife send me a tweet with anything you want to know :D


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