Maybe a small rant, maybe some wisdom?

I see a lot of people I know who are around the same age as me posting things on facebook about how they're dropping out of sixth form, or college, or how they're going to fail an exam because they went to a party last night and only had a couple of hours sleep. I saw a lot of these things both in person in social media while I was still at school as well. I'm not judging anyone when I say this, but the only thing I can think when I see all of these things is how they are wasting one of the best opportunities they have been given, and it's free. 

I got ill towards the end of my first year of GCSE's and I was the in the small group of students who started them a year early; I had three years instead of two to sit my GCSE's, I started with 12 GCSE's half way through dropped down to 5, and left school with 3 passing grades. I had an attendance of 16% and I watched people choose not to go to school, because it was a waste of their time; I worked and revised every chance I got to leave school with the 3 GCSE's I managed to get. Without my illness these 3 grades would not get me a job, I would have loved to have had the chance to be able to go to school like everyone else could. 

No one will understand or see how important these things are until it's too late, I knew how important these things are well before I got ill; in the world we live in an education is key to success, it's what buys that house and car you dream of; unless you are the media's definition of beautiful and get noticed by someone, or play a sport and get noticed, or can sing like an angel and get noticed, these things do not get handed to you. Even if you are super talented someone else has to notice you first for you to be able to succeed. I'm not saying education is the way forward and is the only way you'll make money, when I played basketball that was my career path and my future not my education, but I still worked to get the grades I needed if something happened that meant I couldn't play basketball any more. It just happened that the something that meant I couldn't play basketball also meant I couldn't keep up my grades.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't drop out of sixth form or college or whatever, but before they do they should really consider what their plan is after they have dropped out; I am on back up plan number 4 or 5 right now, nothing ever goes how you planned it to, but please before doing anything important like dropping out of college or sixth form or anything think about someone who possibly doesn't have the same opportunities as you, the people like me who would give anything to have the chances that you have had, it could change your whole perspective on the situation. Don't let the small setbacks stop you from achieving your capabilities.

"Dude, suckin' at something, is the first step to being sorta good at something" Jake the dog.


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