Things are looking up

I've been taking quite a few big gaps between my posts recently; it's not because I don't want to write any more or that I've lost interest, for the first time since I got ill I've actually had a busy schedule! 

In the last month I have managed to get myself a job! That's right a real life job! It's basically part time because I choose which nights I would like as the events come around, but still I have a paying job, something I had thought was going to be near enough impossible. I have done several shifts now which I haven't found too draining, or too much for me to handle. The woman who hired me also agreed to sponsor me for Miss Hertfordshire, which meant that was another weight off my shoulders as the deadline for sponsorships was slowly closing in, without the sponsorship I would not have been able to compete. 

Following my sponsorship my boss also organised me a photo shoot, to update my head shot and to gain some experience and ease around cameras; all of the pictures I have seen are amazing and I never thought I could look that good. Several pictures taken in different evening dresses, along with my eco-dress (a round in Miss Hertfordshire where we have to make a dress), and then some outfits that were styled by a stylist for the stars! I cannot thank everyone who was there on the day to make everything possible enough, the confidence it gave me along with the support I gained from friends and family following the pictures. 

I only have one week left until the actual Miss Hertfordshire competition; so there is a lot of preparation, perfecting my walk and my speech, whilst also cramming in some last minute charity fundraising to try and claim the title of Miss Charity. If anyone would like to help me in my endeavours please feel free to donate to my just giving page, everything goes to a great cause.  

Since my last post I haven't had another episode either; another achievement for me, I've had some amber and fuzzy days where I haven't quite felt myself and I have been incredibly fatigued, but it never sent me into an episode! Things are finally starting to look up for me; not just in my health or my own aspect on things, but in life in general. I'm starting to see hope for the future again. 

It's crazy how quickly things can change, I know it's something I've spoken about before about change; but it will never cease to amaze me how a few small changes can make a huge difference. I am edging closer to being able to take my driving test, so I should be on the road by the end of the year LOOK OUT OTHER DRIVERS! I'm getting myself on the housing register in the hopes of moving out; it's not something that needs to happen right away, but I'm getting to the age now whether I have an illness or not that I need to start looking, mum can't support me forever especially when she really can't afford me any more. 

I would never describe myself as a pessimist or an optimist, I am a logical thinker. I have and still do put myself down in some situations, but who doesn't? I now look at everything from a different perspective though, I have never taken anything for granted, nor have I ever abused the fact that I have a disability to justify anything; however now I am a lot more willing to push myself to do things I would never have done a year ago, I am seeing friends more often and venturing outside of my cave.

This year has begun well and I pray that it continues on this track, I will always keep pushing myself to achieve the best me I can; I can't stop the little bumps in the road called "life" that happen, but I can and I am definitely more able to see and remove everything that is a hindrance to the goals I am setting myself. 


  1. Awesome post - lovely to hear you are feeling more positive, have a sponsor, are competition is almost here and that you are making plans and working! You will go far!


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