I'm ready

It's weird to think that in a few weeks I'm moving, not only house but I am moving a good distance across the country. I have applied for a summer creative writing course, which could lead me to getting into University in the upcoming year. I don't think anyone could fully understand how much this means to me, it means the world to me that I finally have my dream back; all I have ever wanted my entire life has been to go to University, and study something I have so much passion for and love dearly. If you know me well or even if you've just read my blog, you will know how much writing means to me; it is the best way I can express myself, its where I can open myself up fully and just let go of everything. I'm not the best at expressing myself through face to face interactions, don't get me wrong I can talk to people in person; I can tend to be quite awkward, and if it's a serious conversation I tend to get upset quite quickly. I tend to lose the conversation in my head, because my head doesn't process everything properly; when I write my brain can follow a flow and process everything into coherent sentences, it's like everything's been straightened out and I can think. 

I love to write for pleasure too. In all honesty I think I could be a bad ass children's author! I absolutely love comic books, Star Wars, Dinosaurs, Cartoons, and half my life I act like a five year old anyway!! I could definitely write books about crime fighting dinosaurs in space, that have super powers! How awesome would it be to see a T-Rex flying about in space, and he surprises his foes but having a stretchy super power that means he has full use of his arms. Boom plot line right there. This is why I'd love to be able to do the creative writing course at University, I could enhance my knowledge of writing, and how to build upon a storyline. I have so many ideas that come to mind, but they never end up being fulfilled. I know that to do what I want to do successfully, I need to be helped along the way and I think the best way I can do that is by going to University. 

Most of all going to University means I wont be living at home with my family any more, I love living with my mum and my little brother but I need to gain a little more independence. Because of my illness I still need to live with someone who can provide care for me when I'm in episode, the University I have applied for is also the University my sister goes to. We've always spoken about living with each other, it's always been like the conversations two teenage friends would have about living together; and for us it is becoming a reality. There are very few people I trust to be around me when I'm in episode, she is one of the few people and we've always had a great relationship, even if we fight within five minutes we're laughing again at each other. We've always got each others backs, I know I can always go to her, and I hope she knows she can always come to me.

It's a new adventure, the next step in my life, and you know what? I couldn't be more ready.


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