More obstacles

I think over the past 10 years I've been ready and accepting of the fact that everything happens for a reason, whether it's good or bad everything will effect where I end up. I'm ready for everything to get better, I mean who isn't? It's what we all hope for, but I have finally come to terms with the fact that more often than not things go wrong. I've spoken about the numerous back up plans I've had to work through over the years, when it's come to basketball, my academics, and just life in general. 

Now I've come across a new obstacle that I've never had to find a solution to before. In a month hopefully I will be starting the summer University course, however the house my sister and I had set up and in place has fallen through; meaning that neither of us have a home at this time. Neither of us are homeless or living on the streets, because we have people who will/are housing us until we can sort out our situation; but neither of us have a constant place of residence for the time being. It's daunting to think that in a months time I will be starting a course in a completely new place, and I don't have anywhere to live there yet. 

One of the main struggles of finding a place to live has been finding a place that will accommodate animals, my sister has her cat and I have my companion dog; neither of us want to get rid of the animals, because both of them help and comfort both of us. I can't remember living in a house without animals for my entire life, we've always kept animals of some description whether its been cats, dogs, reptiles, hamsters, rabbits, fish etc. Knowing that when you get home and there is someone waiting for you, for your attention, its relaxing. The unconditional love and support that an animal can provide can be the one thing to keep a person sane sometimes. Being able to go home and cuddle up to my puppy and watch TV, he provides the comfort and safety that is needed after a long day; he also gives me a reason to get up in the mornings when I may not be feeling quite myself. 

He won't leave my side when I'm not in a good way, whether that's when I'm amber or when I'm in a full blown episode, he cares for me and ensures that I'm safe. Giving me little nudges when he knows I haven't eaten or had a drink, he'll follow me to the bathroom when I go to the toilet or have a bath, and if I don't let him into the bathroom he will curl up outside the bathroom door until I come back out. The unconditional love he has for me and for everyone he meets is astounding, never have I known a living being with so much love in their heart for another being; there is no doubt in my mind that my dog would risk his life for me or anyone else in danger. I hope there's never a situation where he would have to risk his safety, but the reassurance that he gives me when I know I would be unable to protect myself if I'm in a bad way is like no other. Two years we've had him and he's one of the biggest family members now, there is no one that he hasn't had an impact on. 


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