I made it

I made it. I got further than I ever thought I would. I've actually been accepted into University, and I haven't been so happy in years; things are finally going my way, and I'm not worrying about my next move in life. My worries are now the same as the rest of my peers, I don't feel like I'm five steps behind everyone else anymore, I'm progressing at the same speed as everyone else, despite all of my setbacks.

I've always pushed hard for everything that I've wanted, making sure I get there and fighting every step of the way until I achieve it. I remember sitting in school after I'd gotten ill, and I was talking with one of my teachers who didn't know me when I was well; basically telling me that no matter how hard I would try, I wouldn't be able to go to University, nor would I be able to live alone. Going from being told I'd be living in America on my own at 17, playing basketball at University on scholarship, and then in the space of a few months everything changed. 

I left my GCSE's with 2 passing grades, I spent 2 weeks at sixth form until I had a 3 month episode, fucking it all up. As far as I thought that was it, my academic pursuits were over, and I would have to pick up a vocational course. Even applying at college I was turned away, purely due to my attendance records, it was though I'd been blacklisted. Writing became my release, starting my blog and writing journals to bide my time, holding onto the one piece of academia I could fulfil outside of school or college.

Finding my passion for writing was the turning point after I got ill, it gave me and still gives me an outlet to express my inner most feelings; pushing everything I've crammed down for years to the front, releasing this creativity and passion I haven't felt since playing on a basketball court. Opening up and clearing my thoughts, it's like a fog lifts, and I can see clearly again. Now I have the opportunity to advance my writing in an academic setting, there's the possibility that I can pursue a career, in a field I'm passionate about. Everything in my life is finally falling into place, it's as if I'm actually becoming an adult.


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