
As many of you know basketball has been a massive factor in my life, and is one of the main sources of my passion and drive; losing it when I got ill, and crushing many of my dreams. Ever since I had to stop playing to the extent I was, it has been my mission to re-immerse myself in any way I can; whether that be watching games, volunteering as a children's coach, and sometimes tabling games. I have always kept the sport and the cultural aspects associated with basketball close to heart, always having been one of the few places I could be socially comfortable and accepted. 

My fitness over the years has not been up to the standard needed to play, I have slowly been working myself towards an average level of fitness, enabling me to be in the position to consider training properly again. I know it's highly unlikely that I will ever be able to play at the level I used to, but that doesn't matter to me, the fact that I will one day be able to play a whole game again without getting tired or feeling faint and sick, that is what matters to me; the rush I feel when I play, the oneness of the team, and the sense of belonging is what draws me back every time. That is enough for me. 

Before I left home to come to University, I attempted to play in a few friendly games, and also started some training with my town team again; I was only able to attend a handful of sessions, as my health would deplete so suddenly after a session, more often than not I was bed ridden the next day or in an episode. I'm still unsure if that's because I'm still not fit enough physically to be able to play again, or if it's a new factor of being ill that I've got to work my way around. Now I'm here I've been able to find the University Women's Basketball team, who not only train and play games, but they are also a social group; meaning the girls I'm (hopefully) going to be training with most days of the week, will also be a group of girls I can go out with to the pub, and house parties and other gatherings generally associated with University (drinking). 

Since finding the team I have only been able to attend one of three training sessions, the first training sessions was so hard and such a shock to my system, that I actually threw up mid-training. I've spent a lot of time since, soaking my muscles and resting up, ensuring that I am able to return to training as soon as I can. One of the main difficulties having to sacrifice a training session, so that I can attend lectures and seminars the following morning; I not only have to think about housework and training, but I also has to split my energy levels evenly enough so I can get my degree. Over the years I have had to sacrifice a lot for basketball, I'm hoping now that I wont have to sacrifice basketball for my degree.


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