2016 Summary

First post of 2017! It's a new year, and if this year is anything like last year, then I know it's going to be good. I can definitely say that there were still times when things got tough, but I never gave up. Starting University, leaving my home town, making new friends, and moving in to my own place was such a huge change for me; there's absolutely nothing I would have changed though. On top of everything finally starting to look up, my episodes have started to change. I no longer have full blown episodes, I am still incredibly lethargic at times, and I have times where I don't feel like myself either, but I'd definitely say things are a lot better than they were. 

I've attended a lot of lectures, studied, and written essays in the past few months; so finding time to free-write, whether it be my blog or continuing a few stories, there has been virtually no time. I know we all say no time and then look back to remember watching TV for 4 hours straight, but when you've just spent 6 hours writing an essay and reading Jane Eyre, I really don't feel like reading or writing anymore. Hopefully and it is also my aim this year to be able to find and make the time to write more often. If I really want to become a published writer some day then I need to. Although I may have lost my own writing time, I am learning a lot at University. Not just about certain books and how to write an essay, but also bettering my creative writing. Finally having recognition, but also the critique's. Having someone be able to help me with where I'm lacking and ask for advice, but also knowing and seeing that there are others around me with the same problems. 

Now that all the boring serious matters have been covered, I thought it would be funny to tell you some of the weird and wonderful stories of 2016. A few are alcohol related. One alcohol related story that happened before I came to university I find more heart-breaking, but my friends that were with me find it hilarious. We went out shortly after my 18th birthday, we ended going to 4 pubs and 1 nightclub; the night out ritual always ends as you know buying food. Our choice was McDonald's, right outside the club, and taxis are there too. Now our local had just been refurbished, with the new self-service machine's; I was paying by card so I used one of those. I ordered a big mac meal, large, with a coke and an ice cream. I was drunk. Sounds like a normal order, you're probably thinking "surely the funny thing happened in a pub or something?". No. Now this is why my friends find it hilarious, this McDonald's was rolling out the table service too, I mean we were happy we ordered and got told to sit down. At £ in the morning! This woman walked over with her uniform on and I remember thinking, "Yaaaaaaaaassss she got my food!", which she did. Now I didn't even know this was a thing, but you can swap your chips, for salad. I mean what devil child would do that? So you've probably guessed what I managed to do in a drunken state, responsible for my own food. I ordered a bloody salad! Instead of a LARGE chips! I was not and still to this day I think back to how sad I was, but no I also remember looking up and seeing my friends crying with laughter, talking about their chips to one another. 

The next story happened at Freshers week at university. Yes Freshers. Now here's what is the worst part of this story, I only went out once that week. On this night out I went out with my boyfriend and some of his housemates. There's a pub here that has tonnes of cocktails, and on the walls there are pictures, and posters with funny names and pictures describing drinks. We found these two pictures of Mary Berry where she's holding two two iced-buns in front of her boobs, another was of Paul Hollywood holding a cake in front of his 'junk'. We thought they were hilarious, thought they'd look great in the living room so we proceeded to take them off the wall, and put them in my bag. One of the staff saw us on the way out, rolled her eyes and said, "Just go." of course it didn't stop there though. There was an event going on at the time, which they were advertising all over town with posters. We then set ourselves the mission to see how many posters we could get over the course of the night. We manged to get ourselves 3 posters taped to bus stops etc, of course it didn't stop there either. On our way home we saw the gold mine of all posters, that would look great in the living room. It was one of those large, waterproof, zip-tied to the fence kind of posters. We had to have it. So we took it, managed to get it off the fence without ripping it or anything. But no one thought to look around before we did this. It wasn't long until we saw blue flashy lights, we were busted. One of my boyfriends housemates had the poster curled up in a ball, started running and shouted, "Oh sh*t, the 5-O!" the sirens started going, he stopped, turned round and shouted, "Sick move!" We didn't know what to do so we just stood there watching him run back to us. The police officers were alright about the situation, slightly annoyed by having to deal with us; we couldn't help but laugh though, even asking for a selfie with them. 

There were a lot more funny stories over the year, but I think I'll tell you some more in another post. Some are just too long for one sitting. 


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